SUTTON, December 7, 2023 – On Friday, December 8, Mont SUTTON will be open 7 days a week! Surprise: the first weekend’s rates are maintained for the next week, and exceptionally, all SUTTON 2023-2024 pass holders will also be able to ski this weekend! The slopes being gradually opened, Mont SUTTON would also like to remind skiers to follow the safety instructions to make the most of the upcoming season!
Skiing everyday starting FridayProduction capacity has been doubled
It’s been a few years since Mother Nature has been so generous that early! With this week snowfall and the snow production capacity doubled thanks to a modernized system, Mont SUTTON can proudly announce its 7 days a week opening this Friday, December 8!
Also, the advantageous rates in effect last weekend will remain until Thursday, December 14 with daily tickets available for $45, student or senior tickets for $35 and children tickets for $25! Purchase is possible online or at the customer service.
Moreover, until Sunday, December 10, all season passes will be accepted. Even the Monday Pass, which gives access to all chairlifts every Monday and costs only $204 for the whole season! Details are available at
This weekend, chairlifts II and IIw will be in operation, as will be the magic carpet. To find out the opening status of all trails, the conditions page is updated daily here:
Safety First
To maximize the fun on the slopes, Mont SUTTON reiterates the importance of respecting the mountain code of conduct! Adopted by virtue of the Act respecting safety in sports, eight rules must be observed in the practice of any sliding sport. These rules are available on the Quebec Ski Area Association (ASSQ) website at
What’s more, with the gradual opening of the ski area, it is mandatory not to venture onto closed trails. At all times, keep in mind the presence on the mountain of potential obstacles representing major safety hazards: gullies, branches, rocks, machinery, winches, pipes and more. Likewise, our teams are in action day and night to offer the best possible sliding conditions, and to open the slopes completely as quickly as possible! Closed trails also enable them to operate safely!
This of course includes alpine touring, which must only be practised on trails marked for this purpose, and only when they are open. The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), responsible for the lands of the Green Mountains Nature Reserve (GMNR), and the Parc d’Environnement Naturel de Sutton (PENS), join Mont SUTTON in reminding everyone the importance of staying on the skiable area and its designated trails. Venturing outside the permitted zones, located on the skiable area only, can harm the sustainability of the local flora and fauna and possibly endanger hikers, snowshoers and other users. Conversely, hikers are not permitted in the ski area. For mountain bikers, Plein air Sutton offers dedicated Fat Bike trails and more.
Don’t miss out on the season
Many new features will be announced shortly, to the greatest delight of skiers and snowboarders. To make sure to not miss out on any of the activities at Mont SUTTON, the opening of the alpine touring trails and all the developments to come, the mountain’s newsletter is a privileged source of information to stay updated:!
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Sources :
Lydia Lyonnais
Communications Coordinator, Mont SUTTON
Phone: 450 538-2545, ext.110
Nadya Baron
Marketing Director, Mont SUTTON
Phone: 450 538-2545, ext.109